Monday, December 10, 2007

Fred Rogers

One of the most amazing people to ever live was Fred Rogers, host of the television series "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". As a kid I watched Fred Rogers, and today I watched his show again and was brought to tears. Aside from being a brilliant composer and pianist, Mr. Rogers cared deeply for children and reminded us every day that we are special and unique and there will never be anyone like us ever again. And he liked us just the way we are now.

I found this tribute to him on youtube, I thought I would share it.

i can't resist this one either =]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was never really a big Mr. rogers fan growing up, I guess he was a little too "old-fashioned" and "plain" for my tastes as a kid. Wasn't as funny as Cookie Monster, wasn't as absurd as Ren and Stimpy, wasn't as daring as the TMNT, but it was interesting to see what color jacket he would pull out of his closet every morning. He sure had a thing for pastel colors. His image and demeanor still strikes me as a little too "conservative", but who gives a sh*t about image when you're that good with kids. Seems like Rogers genuinely cared about the well-being of children. He never even talked down to them. Although there are/were other tv programs that didn't talk down to kids, I bet that Mr. Rogers was one of the first to talk to not be judgmental and talk to kids as human beings and help to give them a sense of self-worth. Despite all the changing trends, for over 30 years he was the loving "neighbor" for kids all over the place.lg