Monday, October 1, 2007

First post


I'm Eric Warncke. I used to run a blog on the Beach Boys. You can view it here.

I love to play piano, and sleep, and I have an adorable kitten as well. You'll often find me laughing about stupid things, or putting potato salad on french bread.

I've decided to start a blog that focuses on pop music. No, not top 40 music, but independent music that Pitchfork doesn't have the courage to cover.

Feel free to email me with your favorite artists so I can write about them and share them with everyone!

- Eric


Bionic said...

I have found your Beach Boys blog an incredibly useful resource so I'm looking forward to reading this. I like a lot of random music across all genres, but one good Brian Wilson influenced pop act I would recommend is Charlotte Hatherley, formerly of the British band Ash. Check out her song 'Bastardo' on Youtube, the harmonies at the end are great.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you ever heard of a band called BIG STAR, one of the best pop bands that ever existed? Listen to RADIO CITY, their second album if you haven't. Maybe you have?!

Anonymous said...

Hi i'm Eric from France. I just discovered your blog and it's great.
For lovers of pop music there is Audities power pop list where i find a lot of news on pop bands.
There is also a forum with great posts on psych but also a section called Others Albums where you find many pop music posted by true music fans. It's called 'It's Psyche'. Make a google search.
